Leonidas the Important

Leonidas the Important

Photography is the realm of absolute randomness. And she cannot be anything else (because the image is always something). / Roland Barthes/

Leonid Važnais – photographer, photography teacher.
Master photographer of the Latvian craft camera. In 2008, he studied with the Hungarian master of photo art, Balazs Borocz, and completed the course "Associative photography - portrait". Studied modern art at the European Humanitarian University (Vilnius, Lithuania) in the bachelor's program "Theory and Practice of Modern Art". The most favorite direction in photography is pictorialism. The best works of Leonidas are created in this style.
From 2008 to 2012, he worked as a photography instructor at one of the leading classical photography schools in St. Petersburg (Russia), Peterburgskije Fotomasterskije.